Duane Raver/USFWS
I had an extra bit of cash, so I took a trip to the local Academy Sports & Outdoors store to do a bit of shopping. As you know from previous posts, I don't focus on one type of fish. I'm an equal opportunity fish catcher! I have been feeling the urge to eat some tasty crappie and I've yet to get any big enough from Lake Hefner. Even still, I wanted a new rig. No, I NEEDED a new rig.
Years of using old equipment just wears me down. Spinning reels with broken bails, old line. Granted it's my own fault, but I'm just a tightwad. What can I say? So when I had some extra grip on my hands I knew what I needed to do. As luck would have it, Academy is running a sale on all combos. I got a nice little 4 ball bearing, 5.2:1 ratio spinning combo. Ultra-light so I can have a little fun with my little crappie buddies.
Took a short drive to the fishing pier at Lake Hefner and threw out a new mini-shad bait I found when I bought my rod. Produced 2 small crappie in about 30 minutes. All in all I was pretty happy about it. It caught exactly what it was supposed to catch!Just waiting for the chance to use it on the boat now.
I think now I'll go look into some info about making my own lures. I need me a hobby for when I can't get out there. Looking at
making my own lures. Maybe I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes.