Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gotta take the good with the bad.

Yes... Smoking is a bad habit. But hey... Nice Fish!

I must say, I haven't had too much luck on Lake Hefner as of late. Of course, I find myself not trying too hard. Today was a great example. I just couldn't get into it. We went on the hunt for crappie from the boat, but found it was a lil too windy to fish how we wanted to.

Rather than look at more options for crappie, we couldn't resist throwing around for some bass. I think I tried about 5 different lures. Including the blue/silver ones I've been using that have produced in the past. Chad hooked the fish above with a tasty plastic presentation.

It's mixed emotions, I tell ya. I'd love to catch fish every time. The problem is, it's called "fishing" not "catching." Even still, Hefner has been rough on us. It was good to see Chad pull a tournament weighable fish from the city lake shore.

He's posted a lil blurb about it on his blog. Go check it out!


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